Monday, 28 October 2013


Truth About Cellulite
What is cellulite; Problems facing the nightmare;

Cellulite is the most common cosmetic problem and this is reflected by the number of products and treatments offered, regardless of outcome.

90% of women worldwide displays cellulite.

Joey Atlas Truth - This abnormal fat accumulation and fluid retention between the dermis and adipose tissue accompanied by reduced elasticity of connective tissue. Uneven deposition of fat, water and toxins, leading to increased local inflammation of the skin. Created poor local blood and lymphatic circulation: - reduced oxygenation of the tissue - the skin loses its elasticity - becomes fibrous and rough - becomes cellulite. Most times it appears and only the excess fat deposited unevenly beneath the surface of the skin.

 RATIONALE The main reasons are: Hormonal factors - Inheritance - Nutrition. Lifestyle (without exercise - full of stress) lymphatic disorders and blood circulation (which is too tight clothes hamper traffic). TREATMENT cellulite treatment begins by understanding the problem. Therefore, the treatment requires knowledge, expertise, and reliable approved for this purpose technologies.

Requires proper and detailed medical history to discover the causes of cellulite and specific diagnostic ultrasound scan for staging. Changing'' bad habits'' (limiting alcohol, smoking, eating right, hiring the necessary amount of water , physical exercise) help the situation and improve the image, but not enough. none so far technology could not solve alone because the cellulite has multifactorial etiology and require combinations of protocols and equipment.

Coveted The cure is no longer possible: 3D SHAPE The cosmetic dermatology with the achievements of modern technological development gives us more definitive solution in the treatment of cellulite with technology 3D SHAPE . The 3D SHAPE technology, after clinical studies and applications relying on the world medical literature built on demand, solely for the office NARCISSUS dermatologist Stelios Angelides. 's the only non-surgical treatment-facing 'three-dimensional' cellulite through interaction and simulcast the 3 most modern technologies. Health Benefits

Innovative and patented heads 3D SHAPE enable us to more interactive and treatments for more comprehensive protocols aiming to maximize the results. The 3D SHAPE technology can provide a solution to as "monotherapy" in addressing cellulite through 3D triple action in addressing effectively and efficiently the 3 main mechanisms that generate them. MODE OF ACTION The technological platform 3D SHAPE , through maximum power and special patented cartridge is the only one that allows the simultaneous transmission of the main and most effective technologies to treat cellulite.

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